Nepal’s Humanitarian Crisis Has Worsened
Certainly we all wish 2016 to be a major improvement for Nepal and always for you too. Those we support suffer beyond any words I know to share with you, especially at this happy season we are in.
Essentially the India embargo has not lifted, though negotiations continue. Until then no fuels or building supplies, nothing comes across the border. What this means to the villagers is their seasons work for harvest cannot be transported or stored as there are no homes for humans or structures for grains or animals.
People are living in the winter with the thinnest of shelters, many insufficient to protect them from jackal or tiger attacks or roaming marauders who violently steal gold right off the women; rape is the newest terror for the women as they have no protection or safe structures to protect them. Sadly since the 4 1/2 month embargo, suicides increased by ‘’10 times” indicating the hopelessness, the vulnerability and no hope. This is the grim reality. Most of this I shared with you in our last report to you in “UP IN THE AIR”
The good news is present too. Our villagers are faring better than other villagers in the hope area of life. They are floundering in a few ways, but encouraged because they know they are supported by all of us, prayed for, for their lives by our caring, by our actions to help. Love lifts them is what they have shared with me when we Skype and other communication forms we use.
The school children now numbering 55, are doing exceptionally well as so of their dedicated teachers regardless of being under a tin roof and tarp sidings. We do have much to be grateful for with hopes for increased improvement.
My plans to return to Nepal remain unknown. My purpose is to get to each village which requires fuel. When that becomes available the trip will go forward.
A long-time friend invited me to San Juan Puerto Rico. It was his thinking I would return from Nepal to defrost on the island in January, even celebrate our respect age days. What a grand plan we had. Regardless I am going to Puerto Rico. Jorge invited R Star to do a presentation at his club house January 15, 2016. What a way to start the year off! We are grateful for expanding our presence to others who also care.
We are happy to have you contact us with any questions or comments about what is going on in Nepal, how we are helping, where the needs are. We all know it is the time of year organizations, 501©3’s request your support. My sweet Board insists I state it regardless of my knowing you know and many of you have already gifted funds to us already this year.
Again, Happy New Year with for thanks for all you do and have done!
Rosalind Russell