Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring!
April 9, 2020
Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring!
Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring! Without a doubt, this is the most unusual of Easter times and Passover too, ever in our lives. No egg hunts, no family gatherings, and no chocolate eggs or jelly beans. Regardless we can manage well by remaining INside as we find ways to celebrate the mighty season. This is up to our creativity and willingness, of course. As a brief update regarding Nepal, they too are on lockdown like the majority of the world though I expect we are more comfortable than most countries with constant electricity. Everything is essentially shut down in Nepal, including trekking up to Mount Everest. Kathmandu is a literal ghost-town. However, the grading/paving of a main rural village access road continues which will allow easier access to the market to sell their agricultural products once the markets reopen. The same is true of the project for piped-in water brought directly to the homes in 20 different villages. We will post some photos to show how the villagers are doing the digging with the troughs for the pipes to their homes. What a grand change this will be for the village women as 3-5 times a day they hike to small springs to tote in heavy containers of water for their needs including watering the livestock. Soon they will have more time without long hikes and heavy loads as well as a better supply of water for their needs once the piping has been completed. We are thrilled the work continues to benefit the people all their lives. Other presentations are also postponed including working more on the Personal Pad Solutions we shared previously. AMAZON users, at the bottom of the page, is a way you can help R Star by using SMILEAMAZON and entering R STAR FOUNDATION. You are most likely all ordering from home, so here is a way to use the arm of Amazon to help R Star! Other donations continue to come in which we see as miracles in action! Thank you! However you celebrate the religious holidays of Spring, we wish you great contentment and joy knowing we will soon be ‘hopping’ about healthily. Thank you for your continued interest in our work. |