Be a lucky charm to villagers in Nepal!

Be a lucky charm to villagers in Nepal!


You can be a LUCKY CHARM for the villagers of Nepal!
11 months ago devastating quakes destroyed 98% of homes & buildings in our villages, in all Nepal.  5 months lateran embargo by India disallowed all fuels contracted to be sold to landlocked Nepal which rendered the villagers with no materials to rebuild their homes before winter or supplies arriving to hospitals with oxygen and pharmaceuticals for surgery and care.  Nothing was allowed to enter Nepal from India. Weather and roads from China brought in about 5% of the needs, building products not being supplied.
Your gift will supply MAGIC to those living under tarps who are daily exposed to black cobras, tigers, jackals, violent marauders and severe exposure contributing to poorer health and deaths to the young and old.
Yes, we again request your support.  The realities for Nepal continue harshly in ways we can’t really grasp and news does not report.  Do as you can to bring someLUCK to the people we directly work with.
Share this at will.  Know we wish you luck, blessings, prosperity St. Patrick’s Day andall days.  Your support means everything to us. Here is one way to donate to be thecharm in their lives!

Fabulous contacts & holding your own fundraisers or volunteering remain requested and most welcome.   Thank you.